The main thing i heard off the bat was all the conflicting channels and peaking. Make sure you have every sound in a separate channel or else each sound will fight for control of the same chan. This will cause a pretty muddy sound in the whole mix. Also try eqing each of your sounds to take out allot of those frequencies that aren't needed in that specific sound. Allot of eqing is planning what sound will take up what hertz range and when, so you don't get them fighting for control for the same range. Try adding a little of side chain to the mix to help that kick cut through the song. A rule of thumb is your kick should be no louder than -8 db( this leaves room for mastering the track later) and kick should be the loudest part of the mix, 2nd being the bass. Your hats were a little loud at times, but like stated previously nothing a little eqing and mixing couldn't solve in 3 mins. At 3 mins your white noise filter came in a bit too harsh, i assume you were using fruity Lp judging by the sound. turn the resonance down a little and fade in with a cut off rather than starting it up at a higher hertz.
Things i liked-
I loved the feel of the song, it really took be away at parts. The driving bass was an excellent choice of sounds to help with the pulse of the song.The pads in 5ths were strange sounding but gave it a very unique spin on everything that stuck out. Good use of red noise on the pads, they flowed very nicely through out the entire song. good build ups and drop offs.
If you are using fl 10 and want to collab some time, drop me a line on skype at zafrece.comezo. im almost always on.
keep up the work m8 Hopefully well all find our diamond some day.
Zafrece ^