I found the whole song pretty good. The vocals were off pitch on several occasions. The lead/rythm guitar was out of tune on some strings.The bass and rythm guitar were off from the drums also every now and again. ( this all can be eliminated with more practice and time) I wasn't a fan of the slow random noted solo. Here are a list of things you should try to learn, ( they take a bit of time so as i tell my students, keep practising them and they will fall into place.)
String skips
Altitudes- arpegio sweep with tap
double handed taps/ single handed
hammer ons/pull offs ( assuming you are already familiar with them)
Harmonics( assuming as well)
Alternate picking( also assuming)
The following modes and corresponding scales-ionian, dorian, phrygian lydian, mixolydian, aeolian, locrain.
Seeing as you are only 16 i can see your band becoming something quite spectacular in the future if you keep working at it.