Whoah ho ho! Hello there epic old school style music, i havn't seen you on ng in a while. I'm glad i found you again, you were missed. I loved this piece off the bat, I sat there listening to this and let it loop literally like 13 times. This is a great piece and really captures the feel of the epicness of the megaman series. I can't tell if this was an original piece or a remix of several songs. It all sounds so familiar, yet it doesn't at the same time. I loved the chord progressions. The drums were great and fit right into the style. Slapping this sucker on my faves m8 great piece. I'm a sucker for this style game music.
One of the few things i can say is that the whole thing is a little muddy, but that could just be those older sounds being used. I know allot of times if you are using some of the game library sounds (i know some people do rather than making the sounds), they can tend to lack a bit of crispness.
One thing about the acid bass,(personal opinion) when used in the mid ranges like you did around 50 i find it to kinda of suck all the attention from everything else.
The ending didn't loop all that well back into the start, what allot of loopers tend to do with their music is make circle progressions. That basicly eliminates any notice that the song is looping. Also the ending climax was too different from the start up of the song to loop and transition with out noticing. It's too much of a difference in things going on from 1;23 back into 000.
Other than very small things this piece really took me in. Like i said before i'm a huge sucker for this style of music so needless to say i loved the song.
You should ask people on the forums to scout you, im pretty sure sonic did. But it seems he and i aren't enough to approve you alone.