The lead was syncopated well for the first few notes, then it was simply off beat. You needed to add a pick up note and a small gap to reset the note lag if you will.
The lead was also entirely too loud for the mix itself. It was even over powering the drums and bass.
Ease up on that lead a bit, set each sound to a different channel and make sure to adjust the volumes accordingly. The lead was rather harsh and although it was a decent saw sound you had nothing to lessen its harshness. If you are going to carry the lead with a sharp saw/triangle wave set generally try to balance out that fact by adding sounds based on a soft square or sin wave pattern.
It seemed you were missing a few elements in the song itself, generally you need a bass to aid in carrying the over all key and brings life to the melody. Chords or ambient back ground chords, these help establish the specific musical mode with in a key, it also aids in establishing an over all feeling for the music. I could pick out a piano at times however silent it was, and it seems out of key several times i took note of it.
Transitions- Although you had the song broken up into general AB format, it lacked transitions through the song to give a heads up that the next section was coming.
I hope this helps in some way