I love the song, but again i feel the mastering and eqing is taking away from the potential of the song as a whole. Be sure to separate all your channels. Don't be insulted if you know this information already, im just posting it from another comment i left some one some time ago as i am too lazy to rewrite it
General hertz guide-30-140 give or take, add body to a song. It gives it a flow if you will and helps blend tones and establish a feel. 140 htz to 400 htz this is your tonal bass or the bass that you generally hear that helps set the key or mode of a song. This is also where songs can tend to get muddy if not eqd correctly. mid range 400-2.5k give or take on taste, this is mostly where lower ranged chords go in to set the key in which something is being played. Upper mid, 2.5k -5.3k- Higher chords can be placed in here to help establish a mode of a said key along with leads. If chords are placed here they usually accompany the drums to emphasis the beat or add to syncopation. 5.2k-18k ( not much use going into 19-20k as those simply mud up the mix for the most part) this range is your high hats, harmonic tones of melodies and the crispness of the song all rest in this range.
General mixing tips- You should make sure to leave the unmastered kick below -6 or -8 db, ( depending on genre) that should be the loudest part of the mix, followed by the bass. pads and chords depending on how loud you want them should generally fall under -10 give or take depending on taste ( again this is unmastered, db levels, the mastering process db levels are generally based on style of music, see online guides for specific genre mastering levels)
+ 12 db = 400% volume increase.
+ 6db = 200%
+ 1 dB = around 10%
0 dB - No change.
- 6 dB = 50% volume decrease (half the original level).
- 12 dB = 75% volume decrease (to 25% of the original level).